Wood filler gel


WOOD FILLER GEL is a gel that should be mixed with fine sanding dust of the wood to be treated. For stopping nail holes, wood parquet floors and various small wood repairs. For larger repairs, you can repeat the treatment. This product has limited shrinkage.

  •  Binding agent to mix with the sanding dust.
  • To quickly plug nail holes, gnarls and seems.
  • Takes on the color of the stain and oil.
Material use



Mix the WOOD FILLER GEL with fine sanding dust (P100 - P120) of the wood type to be treated. It is difficult to provide a correct ratio, as it depends on the application. The WOOD FILLER GEL works only as a binding agent, meaning you will be using more sanding dust than WOOD FILLER GEL. Apply the wood paste with a spatula or putty knife. Store the paste in a closed jar to prevent hardening.


Sand smooth with grain P 100 after drying.

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